Our Dental Blog

Effective Cosmetic Repair With Dental Bonding

January 20, 2021

Teeth whitening is not the only option we have to improve smile beauty. As part of our cosmetic treatment options, we also offer dental bonding and contouring. These esthetic treatments only take one visit to complete, and allow your Kansas City, MO, dentist the ability to improve the beauty of your smile!

Fixing Your Tooth

While these treatments, as we will discuss, address more than just damaged teeth, repairing chips or cracks is vital. Untreated damage isn’t just a cosmetic issue, but one that could expose sensitive inner tissues or bacteria and enable cavities and even infection to develop, leading to pain and eventually, the risk of losing the tooth. When you sustain an injury, let us know. Even if there is no visible damage, dental fractures could be invisible to the naked eye and still put your smile at risk!

The Bonding Process

Dental bonding employs the same lifelike composite resin we use to create metal-free and natural-looking dental fillings. The material is not only durable but can be tinted to blend with the rest of the tooth structure. We start by removing any decay present in the tooth and then cleaning it. We etch the surfaces as well and begin applying the material in several layers. As the composite resin cures under light, the dentist will sculpt the tooth. The final step involves polishing it for a more lifelike appearance.

Along with repairing chipped and cracked teeth, we could also length worn down teeth and fill gaps or black triangle spaces between the teeth too. We also mask permanent discoloration, and teeth stains too severe to be removed with traditional whitening methods. The entire process only takes one visit to complete!

Contouring Your Smile

In the same visit, or a separate one, we can also contour the teeth too. The procedure involves gently sanding and buffing away outer structure. The procedure enables us to address minor chips, reshape malformed teeth, and even correct overly large ones too. If you have sharp or pointed teeth, we can dull them, and we also have the ability to smooth out any rough patches, pits, or grooves in the smile. For a smile makeover, we could combine these procedures with teeth whitening or even porcelain veneers. If you have any questions about our cosmetic treatments, or which ones could be right for your smile, then please contact our team today., We want to help you obtain a brighter and healthier smile.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Repair?

Our team wants to offer a lifelike solution to minor damage and other aesthetic concerns. To learn more about repairing smiles in only one visit, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.