Our Dental Blog

How Do We Create Lifelike Porcelain Veneers?

January 26, 2021
Porcelain Veneers

We’ve talked a lot about cosmetic dentistry lately, discussing whitening and bonding and how they address specific portions of your smile. But what if we had an option that offers a complete smile makeover for many patients? In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist looks at the benefits of our porcelain veneers.

Prepping Your Smile

Each one we place is custom-made. Not only does this mean a more attractive and natural appearance, but this also ensures better bite balance and a comfortable fit that doesn’t alter your bite. To begin, we need to make room for them. We remove a very thin layer of outer enamel from each tooth receiving a restoration. Our team then gathers detailed digital images and impressions, as well as measurements.

Designing Them With Digital Imaging Technology

The digital images we gather will enable us to design and craft them in a dental lab setting with precision and accuracy. We want to not only reflect the shade of the teeth but the shape and size as well. Digital technology allows us to do so with greater accuracy when compared to restorations crafted with old-school physical impressions.

Crafting and Placing Your Veneers

The porcelain we use is translucent like actual enamel, and we tint it to better match the color of the shrouding tooth structure. In fact, we may whiten the teeth beforehand to ensure your new veneers match your brightest possible smile. The material is also durable, able to absorb daily bite forces. In fact, we often create crowns from porcelain for the same reason. Once your restoration is ready, you return to the office so we can place it with a powerful bonding agent. Routine care then helps protect the teeth we attached your restoration to, and prevents staining too.

Improvement Options

How do porcelain veneers improve your smile beauty? Well, we could use them to reshape malformed teeth or to even repair minor chips and cracks. Our team could also help lengthen any teeth worn down due to teeth grinding or mask the permanent teeth stains that may not respond to traditional whitening systems too. We’ve also closed gaps and black triangle spaces in between teeth and even corrected the appearance of minor misalignment, so you don’t need to wear braces or aligners. If you have any questions about using cosmetic restorations to offer a smile makeover in two visits, then contact our team today. We want to help you enjoy a stunning smile!

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry?

These thin restorations offer our patients a smile makeover in as little as two visits. To learn more about our custom dental veneers, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.