Emergency Dentistry

Same-Day Emergency Dentistry in Kansas City

Accidents and sudden tooth damage come with worry, stress, pain, and discomfort. Visiting a trusted dental practice as soon as possible is essential for fast physical and emotional relief. Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry of Kansas City in Kansas City, MO offers same-day emergency dentistry services for children and adults to address various issues in your most urgent time of need. We're focused on reducing your pain while restoring your teeth and gums to optimal health with our effective dental services.
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A Proactive Approach to Dental Emergencies

Accidents happen, and even the most diligent brushers and flossers can endure sudden, serious dental emergencies for various reasons. Whether it’s due to genetics, getting older, an accident, or previous dental work that needs attention, it's common for individuals to experience some kind of dental emergency throughout their lives. Our team has years of experience, and while we've likely helped another patient in a similar situation, we promise to provide the personalized attention you deserve.

Common Reasons Patients Need Emergency Dentistry Care

  • Trauma to the mouth, teeth, gums, or jawbones that causes bleeding, prolonged pain, or excessive bruising, such as a fall, car accident, or blunt force
  • Toothaches that cause unmanageable pain or discomfort that comes and goes over a period of time
  • Damage or failure of previous dental work, such as a missing filling
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Redness or swelling inside the mouth
  • A cracked, chipped, or decayed tooth

When to Call For Urgent Dental Care

Your teeth and gums are filled with many sensitive nerves, and changes or injuries within the oral cavity can cause uncontrollable pain. If you’re dealing with discomfort or have suffered an injury and are unsure if you require emergency dental services, it’s best to call us right away so we can learn more and help assess the situation and provide proper guidance.

Your Local Emergency Dental Specialists in Kansas City

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