Our Dental Blog

The Importance of Tooth Extraction

January 12, 2021
tooth extraction

While we have a number of lifelike and durable dental restorations to repair and treat a tooth, sometimes to preserve the health of a smile as a whole we need to actually extract a tooth. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist will explain how to extract teeth, and how being one of the few general dentists in the area with IV sedation means we can do so comfortably!

The Removal Process

We may remove a tooth that has become so damaged that repair isn’t possible, or a case of decay and infection is too severe to be treated with a root canal. Extraction is also prescribed should a baby tooth be unable to fall out, or to prevent wisdom tooth impaction. Teeth loosened by gum disease could be removed as well, or we may take one out to make room to reposition the others as part of the orthodontic process.

We start the process by carefully planning your procedure with advanced digital technology, taking care to avoid nerve tissues and sensitive structures. We next administer a local anesthetic and dental sedation. We gently remove the tooth with forceps, and suture the extraction site closed afterward.

IV Sedation

We’re one of the few general dentists in the area who offer IV sedation. The deepest form of sedation available, helps you enter a deep state of relaxation with little to no memory of the actual procedure afterward. A trained anesthesiologist will be on hand to monitor you throughout the procedure, and we will take a close look at your medical history before we prescribe this option. We could also discuss nitrous oxide or oral sedation as well.

Tooth Replacement

Afterward, we will provide detailed instructions to help facilitate a complication-free healing process and also prescribe any necessary medications. During a follow-up visit, we will remove the sutures. While wisdom teeth or teeth removed to correct alignment issues may not need replacement, losing a tooth to poor oral health or injury could mean a gap in your smile and complications. Fortunately, our team can offer advanced implant dentistry to replace a single tooth, or to secure long-lasting prosthetics such as a bridge or denture. If you have any questions about extracting teeth, or about our lifelike and long-lasting tooth replacement, then contact our team today. We want to help you enjoy a stunning new smile in 2021!

Do You Have Questions About Extracting Teeth?

Our team knows how to offer a safe and comfortable procure to help address serious oral health concerns. To learn more about how we restore smiles to optimal health and function with oral surgery and tooth replacement, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.