Our Dental Blog

Obtaining a Brighter Smile at Home

May 24, 2019

A number of different products offer people the option of brightening their teeth from home. However, many of these come with complications. In order to help our patients enjoy dramatic results from the comfort of their own home, we provide Kansas City, MO, residents with professional at-home teeth whitening. How does our system help people obtain brighter smiles at home?


How Does At-Home Whitening Work?

We will begin by taking detailed impressions of your teeth, which we use to create a set of plastic aligners that fit comfortably. We then send you home with a powerful bleaching gel. Treatment involves filling the trays with gel and wearing them for between 30 and 45 minutes each day over a period of one to two weeks. The trays help spread the gel over the teeth to ensure even results. For some patients, teeth could be brightened by several shades.

Advantages Over Strips and Toothpastes

While store bought systems do help brighten teeth, the results are not as dramatic as a professional treatment, and the results also don’t last as long. People using whitening strips often complain about increased tooth sensitivity, which causes difficulty eating and drinking. Whitening toothpastes, while effective, may contain abrasive agents that could inadvertently damage outer enamel, increasing the risk of tooth decay and other oral health concerns. For optimal results and a reduced risk of tooth sensitivity, we suggest talking to our team about possible cosmetic options.

Keeping Your Smile Bright

Following treatment, you can take steps to help your new results last for a significant amount of time. First, be sure you’re brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes, and flossing every night before bed. Doing so helps reduce the severity of plaque buildup, which not only decreases the chances of decay and gum disease, but also limits teeth stains. You should make time to see us for a checkup and cleaning every six months, which helps us completely remove plaque from your smile. We also polish your teeth afterward, which helps them appear brighter. Finally, try to watch what you eat and drink. Beverages with dark pigments, such a coffee, soda, red wine, and tea, could stain the teeth. Foods and drinks high in sugar and starch have been known to promote plaque buildup and make discoloration more apparent. If you have any questions about our teeth whitening system or about the steps you can take to keep your smile bright, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Teeth Whitening?

Our team wants to help you enjoy a brighter smile with professional cosmetic care. To learn more about keeping smiles bright, then please schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.