Our Dental Blog

Is It Too Early for a Holiday Smile Update?

August 13, 2018
girl posing for picture

Just the thought of the holiday season can put some people in a panic. While for many people, you just can’t start the holidays soon enough. Whatever side of the holiday fence you stand on, the fact of the matter is is that the holidays will be here in the blink of an eye. Yes, summer is technically not even over here in Kansas City, MO, but everybody knows that time moves a little faster between Labor Day and New Year’s right? If you are wanting to update your smile’s appearance or finally deal with some big smile issues before the holidays, you may want to consult with your dentist now. Depending on your needs, you may need an early start on getting your smile updated.

One Smile With Many Needs

In many situations for many people, a smile update goes beyond just a whitening treatment. If you have a big gap that you are wanting to make smaller and you also want to replace an old discolored crown, you may require multiple visits. While there are situations where multiple issues can be addressed in one visit or a short amount of time, if you do not fall in that bucket, you’d want to know early, right? Consulting with your dentist early can give you an opportunity to get a realistic understanding of your smile’s needs and what may be needed to meet those needs.

Avoid Any Surprises

Routine visits to your dentist helps you avoid any surprises like advanced tooth decay that requires a root canal treatment. Going in and consulting with your dentist about your desired smile update months before you want the outcome can also give you a chance to avoid any surprises. For example, if you want to just whiten your smile and get it a few shades lighter, you could discover that your tooth discoloration is intrinsic. Intrinsic discoloration comes from within the tooth and a whitening treatment cannot remove it. Other cosmetic treatments can help you get a brighter smile, but they may take longer than what you expected from a whitening treatment.

Are You Ready for a Smile Update?

We can help you get your smile ready for your next big event. To schedule a consultation, call Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.