Our Dental Blog

Why Get a Cleaning Every Six Months?

October 11, 2017
dentist treatment

Maintaining routine visits to your dentist every six months gives you a chance to get a professional cleaning and a thorough examination. The professional cleaning is an important part of preventative dental care. A cleaning can remove buildup of harmful bacteria from the teeth and the gums that you may miss during your daily routine. Even with a stellar oral hygiene routine at home, there are things that can be missed. Your dentist or hygienist can reach places that you may not be able to, and they can also give you advice if they spot any problem areas.  You may get a recommendation for a deep periodontal cleaning if there are any signs of gum disease in your mouth.

Removing Dangerous Build-up

A dental cleaning allows for your dentist or hygienist to identify any potential problems early. Tooth decay and gum disease will progress until they are treated. The earlier a problem is dealt with, the easier the solution will be. At home, you should brush and floss your teeth at least twice every day. Crooked teeth create overlapping areas where bacteria can hide, and you may miss during your routine. The back of your mouth are hard to reach to clean. A professional cleaning allows for all of these spots to be addressed, and any built-up bacteria, plaque, and tartar to be removed.

Deep Periodontal Cleanings

If your dentist or hygienist notices any indication of gum disease, they may recommend a deep periodontal cleaning. A periodontal cleaning is also known as scaling and root planing or a deep cleaning. A perio cleaning involves removing any harmful bacteria, plaque, or tartar from beneath the gum line and along the gum tissue. Gum disease starts as gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums caused by the dangerous build-up forming around and under the gums. Gum disease can progress into serious periodontitis, which can endanger your teeth.

Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease With Regular Professional Cleanings

When was your last professional cleaning? To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.