Our Dental Blog

What to Expect From the Implant Placement Process

January 22, 2020

dental implant offers an advanced, long-lasting, and lifelike solution to both minor and more severe cases of tooth loss. But what should a patient expect from the placement process? In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist takes a look at how we address tooth loss with this advanced and natural-looking treatment option.

dental implants

Your Initial Consultation and Evaluation

During the initial consultation, we will look at your smile to see if you have enough jawbone tissue to support a new tooth root, and to make sure you don’t have any underlying oral health concerns that need to be addressed before we proceed, such as periodontitis. Next, we will discuss the treatment in detail so you know what to expect, and we can answer your questions and concerns as well. Using CBCT technology, we will take detailed 3D images of your smile in order to plan the placement process down to the smallest detail.

The Placement Process

Once we plan the placement process, you will return so we can insert the dental implant, a screw-like device made from a biocompatible titanium material, into the jawbone. The dental implant will then bond with the jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. This provides greater security, allowing your new tooth root to last for decades, possibly even a lifetime. The healing process typically takes between three and four months. Afterward, we will place a restoration to address the visible aspects of your new tooth.

Restorations and Daily Care

After the placement area heals, we will add an abutment to the dental implant. We then attach a crown that we will have custom-made based on detailed impressions taken of your smile. The crown will look natural, crafted from materials that mimic the translucent nature of tooth enamel, and shaded to match the color of surrounding teeth. If you have lost several teeth, then a custom bridge or denture will be attached to several dental implants, returning your smile to full function, health, and beauty once more. With routine visits and homecare, we can help you preserve your remaining natural teeth and also keep your new ones strong and secure. If you have any questions about addressing tooth loss, then contact our team today to schedule your initial consultation. We would love to make 2020 the year you finally obtain a full and beautiful smile again!

Do You Have Questions About Dental Implants?

Don’t let the loss of one or more of your teeth lead to serious problems for your overall oral health and quality of life. To learn more about tooth loss with implant dentistry, then please schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.