Our Dental Blog

We’re Talking About The Cosmetic Repair Bonding Offers

September 16, 2019
cosmetic bonding

If your smile needs repair, and you’re concerned about how your teeth will look afterward, we can help with cosmetic treatment. Your Kansas City, MO, dentists can help improve the appearance of your teeth while addressing multiple issues, from stains to misshapen teeth. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about the benefits of cosmetic bonding and contouring.

Chipped and Cracked Teeth

When your teeth become chipped or cracked, you should see us right away for treatment. We also suggest scheduling a visit if your smile sustains an injury but no damage is visible, as dental fractures may be present but not visible to the naked eye. When a tooth sustain damage, this compromises the protective layer of tooth enamel and allows bacteria access to the inner tooth structure, where a cavity could form. Tooth decay not only causes tooth sensitivity and toothaches, but could also lead to an increased risk of a dental infection or lost teeth. Fortunately, we can use bonding and contouring to address damaged teeth, and correct other esthetic concerns as well.

The Bonding Procedure

With this option, we begin by removing the decayed portions of the tooth and thoroughly cleaning it. We may etch the tooth surface as well. We then prepare the composite resin material, the same material we use in our tooth-colored dental fillings. We apply the material in several layers, the etched portions keeping it in place as we cure the tooth. While the material cures, we can sculpt and shape the tooth. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more esthetically-pleasing appearance. The procedure not only repairs minor damage, but can mask permanent teeth stains, close gaps between the teeth, and lengthen worn down teeth. All of this can be accomplished in just one visit too!

Dental Contouring

Contouring doesn’t involve adding material to the tooth, instead we gently buff and sand away outer tooth structure. Doing so removes pit and grooves in the tooth surface, while also reshaping teeth and correcting overly pointed portions. Both bonding and contouring can be performed in the same visit, as a single sitting is all that we need to complete both procedures and improve smile esthetics. If you have any questions, or would like to see if these options are right for you, then contact our team today. We would love to help you obtain a brighter, more beautiful smile!

Do You Want Cosmetic Smile Care?

Our team wants to help you obtain a beautiful and healthy smile with cosmetic treatment options. To learn more about treatment options, such as bonding and contouring, as well as teeth whitening and lifelike porcelain veneers, then please schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.