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Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

October 27, 2017

A perfect smile can have blemishes, imperfections, and even flaws. A perfect smile is just your unique, healthy smile that makes you feel confident and secure.  If you are insecure about your smile, it can impact your everyday life. Cosmetic dentistry is the art of upgrading your smile to one that is perfect for you meaning one that gives you confidence. Your dentist will work with you to assess your goals and your needs. Your health and the integrity of your smile comes first when it comes to deciding which type of cosmetic dentistry is the right choice for your smile.

women smiling

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that look and act like natural teeth. They are permanently bonded to the outer surface of the front of your teeth. Some alterations of the tooth usually need to happen in order to securely adhere the veneer to the tooth. Veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry that is good for addressing multiple smile issues at one time. They can address a multitude of issues, such as large gaps, deep stains, chips, cracks, uneven sizes or shapes, on multiple teeth at one time.

Bonding and Contouring

When you have just one or a few teeth with issues, bonding and contouring may be a good option for you. . Bonding is the act of applying a composite resin directly to the surface of the tooth and shaping it. Contouring can shape teeth that are too large or unevenly sized. Bonding material can be used to cover deep, intrinsic stains. This procedure can be done with very minimal change to the natural tooth.

Professional Whitening

Whitening is the least invasive type of cosmetic dentistry. With professional whitening, your dentist will take a mold of your mouth to create a custom tray for the whitening gel. A custom tray allows for the professional whitening gel to penetrate each unique corner of your smile. Professional whitening can make a dramatic difference on your smile’s appearance.

Which Type of Cosmetic Dentistry Is Right for Your Smile?

Cosmetic dentistry is the art of getting you your perfect smile. To learn more, schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.