Our Dental Blog

Treating Infected Teeth With Endodontic Procedures

September 25, 2020

While a cavity can be addressed with a filling, what if your tooth decay is more severe, or your tooth infected or abscessed? When you have major discomfort and advanced cases of infection, you may benefit from endodontic treatment. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist explains how a root canal offers relief with comfort!

Root Canal

The Causes of an Infected Tooth

At the center of our teeth is a chamber that contains a collection of nerves and blood vessels, known as your pulp. The pulp keeps each tooth alive and functional, overseeing the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. A tooth becomes infected once bacteria comes into contact with these tissues, often as a result of an advanced case of tooth decay or a cracked/broken tooth. Unless treated, the infection could move into the jawbone, causing major complications. Warning signs of trouble include tooth sensitivity, toothaches, pain when you chew or bite down, or swelling near the tooth. A poor-tasting discharge could occur as well.

Treatment With a Root Canal

If you encounter one or more of the potential warning signs we discussed below, then you should contact our team right away for treatment. If you have an infection, we will administer a local anesthetic and possibly sedation to ensure you remain calm, relaxed, and free of dental anxiety. We then open the tooth itself to access the pulp’s chamber and remove the infected tissues. We clean the interior of the tooth before adding a restorative material. After we cure this material, typically referred to as gutta percha, we cap the tooth with a crown. The restoration will be designed to look natural and match the rest of your smile. In as little as one visit, we can restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile.

Preserving Your Smile

You can also take steps to help prevent the onset of an infection or cavity. Start by brushing your teeth when you wake up, and then once more in the evening, for about two minutes each session. Make sure you use a fluoride toothpaste, and always floss before bed too. Reducing your consummation of sugary foods and drinks is also beneficial, as is wearing a mouthguard when playing sports. If you have any questions about treating infected teeth, or if you’ve encountered one or more of the symptoms we’ve looked at, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Restorative Dental Treatment?

We’re here to treat infected teeth and advanced cavities, providing relief and a lifelike, long-lasting restorations, such as crowns. To learn more about our solutions for infections and abscesses, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.