Our Dental Blog

See Our Team if You Have a Dental Emergency

April 8, 2020

While we’re currently closed for many procedures, such as general, preventive, and cosmetic treatments, we’re still here to help our Kansas City, MO, patients facing damaged teeth or serious discomfort. With emergency treatment, we can repair cavities or infections, and restore cracked or chipped teeth. When should you see our team for treatment?

Dental Emergency

The Health Risks of Chipped or Broken Teeth

If you chip or crack a tooth, then you need treatment. Even minor damage could expose the sensitive inner dentin to harmful bacteria, leading to a higher risk of cavities and dental infections. If you damage a tooth, rinse with warm water and take a pain reliever. A washcloth can control any bleeding, and you could reduce facial swelling with a cold compress or ice pack against the side of your face. Our team will then offer repair, often in as little as one visit with procedures like dental bonding. We also create and place fillings or crowns to correct damage.

Other Common Emergency Situations

Other issues could include a knocked-out tooth. Should this occur, be sure to pick it up by the crown, never the root, and place it in a glass of salt water or milk and bring it with you to the office. If a restoration, like a filling or crown, is loose, avoid sugary foods and drinks until we can see you, as this could cause serious discomfort. If you have serious pain in a tooth, rinse with warm water, floss on each side of it, and see us when possible. The pain could be the result of an advanced cavity or an infected tooth, and treatment is crucial to preserve the tooth and prevent gaps in your smile.

Keeping You Safe and Healthy

Our entire team is currently following strict health and safety guidelines to protect our patients and our team members. To start, we’re going to schedule visits to ensure you’re not sitting in a waiting room filled with people. Next, we clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and tools in between each and every visit. We’re washing our hands frequently as well. If you have any questions about how we’re protecting the health of our patients, or about our approach to emergency dental care, then contact our team today. We’re ready to help safeguard your smile should you face serious oral health concerns.

Do You Have Questions About Emergency Treatment?

If you find yourself faced with one of the scenarios we discussed in today’s blog, then please contact our team. To learn more about repairing your smile and ensure good oral health, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.