Our Dental Blog

Quick Fixes Before the 4th

June 30, 2022
Family in living room on fourth of July with flags smiling

Independence Day in the US is a big deal! People come together to grill, go for a swim, and shoot off fireworks. Which also means that it might be the first time you see some of your friends in a while!

Which makes this a perfect time for quick cosmetic touch-ups, and many people have time off from work. Today, your Kansas City, MO dentist touches on our speediest procedures that can get you in and out in a jiffy!

Whitening Is Simple and Easy!

One of the speediest procedures we can do here in our office is teeth whitening. For people with natural, healthy teeth, this is often a procedure we can add-on to things like examinations, with minimal time.

Most of the time our whitening procedure takes under an hour. We utilize a bleaching gel that we coat on the surface of the teeth. Then we shine a high-powered UV light on your smile, wiping away years of stains.

Our procedure gently lifts layers of stains, keeping the integrity of the teeth intact. First and foremost, we always want a structurally sound smile.

If you have a veneer or a crown, we will also be sure to match your natural teeth to the porcelain. We will design a natural-appearing smile for you, always!

Chipped Teeth

Many of us have small chips that have come off of your teeth, from some injury or another. Simply eating can often cause these types of damage. Even if it isn’t noticeable to others, for many of us, feeling the roughness with our tongue can be annoying!

We can help you through bonding and contouring, which is a very simple and easy procedure. For these more minimal repairs, it is always worth it to squeeze in a quicker, less-invasive procedure than a larger one.

Trauma on the mouth can take a toll on the overall health of the body, and if it is currently only an issue with the enamel, it is best to handle before it affects the root or the periodontal (gum) tissue.

Natural matter is fairly easy to replicate with porcelain, and ensuring that the root is fully covered can prevent bacterial infection. These infections can cause you severe pain, as well as loss of the tooth. In some instances, the bone tissue of the jaw can become infected, which can result in the removal of both tooth and bone.

Call Today and See the Difference!

If you have any further questions about how we can improve your smile, please give Dr. Lucaci at Cosmetic Implant Dentistry Kansas City in Kansas City, MO a call today at (816)427-4018.