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Do You Want a New Smile? Consider Porcelain Veneers!

March 13, 2020

Using thin shells of porcelain, your Kansas City, MO, dentist can potentially transform your smile, offering a makeover in just two visits. But how do porcelain veneers accomplish so much? What should one expect from the placement process and how do we maintain them?

artificial teeth

How Does a Veneer Fix a Tooth?

A veneer is a very thin shell of porcelain that we place onto the tooth, covering the front and sides of it. Since they instantly change the shape and color of the tooth, we can employ them to correct a wide array of esthetic concerns. For example, we can cover permanent teeth stains, the kind that form beneath the enamel and may not respond to most teeth whitening treatments. We also have the ability to repair minor chips and crowns, and add length to teeth that grinding and clenching have worn down. Placement has closed gaps between the teeth as well and even correct the appearance of uneven teeth, providing an alternative to braces or aligners for people with minor misalignment.

Creating Your Custom Restoration

To ensure a proper and comfortable fit, as well as a lifelike appearance, each one is custom-made for your smile. To start, we remove thin layers of tooth structure and take detailed impressions and images of the tooth in question. Using this information, we can begin to plan and design the restoration. We create them from porcelain, a durable material that is able to absorb serious bite forces. Porcelain is often used to create strong dental crowns! The material is translucent like tooth enamel, and can be shaded to match the color of nearby teeth. They also contain stain-resistant properties!

When your veneer is complete, we place them with a powerful bonding agent, securing them firmly in place. In just two visits, our team can repair and restore one or more of your teeth, improving overall smile beauty.

Do They Need Special Care?

Routine care is recommended to help keep them bright and to safeguard the teeth we attach them to against tooth decay and gum disease. You should brush for two minutes when you wake up and again before going to bed at night. Each session should take no less than two minutes and employ a toothpaste with fluoride. Before going to sleep at night, you also need to floss thoroughly in between each and every tooth. Finally, be sure to see our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months too!

Let’s Improve Your Smile’s Health and Beauty

Improving the shape and color of your teeth is possible in just two visits with porcelain veneers. To learn more about our cosmetic procedures, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.