Our Dental Blog

Creating Veneers to Transform Your Smile

October 28, 2020

What if we had a single treatment option that could address the shape, color, and surface of the teeth? Porcelainveneers provide our patients with a smile makeoverin just two visits, but how do we craft these lifelike and durable porcelain restorations? In today’s blog, yourKansas City, MO, dentistwill explain how we create them!


What Issues Can They Correct?

A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that we shade to blend with the smile. They cover the front and sides of each tooth we place one on, which addresses an array of common cosmetic issues. For example, we can use them to mask permanent teeth stains, the kind teeth whitening alone may not be able to address. We also lengthen teeth worn down due to teeth grinding, and provide repair for minor cracks and chips. We also correct misshapen teeth, and close exposed gaps between the teeth too. If you have minor misalignment, we can correct the appearance of them too, providing an alternative to braces for some patients.

The Design Process

To ensure a perfect fit and an optimal appearance, we need to custom-make each one. We start by removing a thin layer of outer enamel to make room for them. Next, we take detailed impressions and images of the smile. We use information to create the restorations and ensure they blend with the rest of the smile. We want your repairs to look completely natural, so you feel proud to show the world your smile.

Placing Your New Veneers

When we’ve completed your restoration, we will invite you back to the office. We check the fit and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit. Next, we attach them with a powerful bonding agent. They can stay in place for decades to come with proper care and attention. To keep your veneers bright and strong, you need to make sure the teeth they’re attached to remain free of decay, infections, or gum disease. To do so, make time each day to brush your teeth for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, once when you wake up and again before going to bed. You also need to floss through before going to sleep, as this helps remove trapped food particles. Finally, be sure you attend a checkup and dental cleaning every six months. If you have any questions aboutour cosmetic treatmentoptions, then contact our team today.

Do You Want to See if Porcelain Veneers Are Right for You?

Our team is ready to help smiles in our community look brighter, and more attractive, by addressing a host of smile issues in just two visits. To learn more about custom cosmetic dentistry, thenschedule a consultationby calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.