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Can Gum Disease Affect an Implant?

April 2, 2018
A man is thinking

Dental implants are able to provide several benefits to your smile after you lose a tooth. These benefits can include a more lifelike appearance for replacement teeth, a strengthened jawbone, and a fortified foundation for your remaining natural teeth. Most patients that require a dental implant qualify to get one, however, there are a few circumstances that could interfere with qualification for an implant. These issues can also affect the success of an implant’s placement. Gum disease is one of the most common issues that could affect a dental implant. Especially if advanced periodontal disease caused your tooth loss, you may require periodontal treatment prior to receiving a dental implant.

Qualifying for an Implant

Advanced periodontal disease can cause degradation to the very area that a dental implant will be placed. This is what makes it so important for gum disease to be managed prior to an implant being placed in your jawbone. Routine periodontal maintenance can help ensure that your gums stay healthy to prevent the disease from eroding your jawbone and gingival tissues. If some situations, jawbone grafting may be recommended to fortify your jawbone so that it can adequately support your implant posts

The Effects of Gum Disease

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. Despite this fact, it does not directly affect your tooth structure. Periodontal disease causes tooth loss by eroding the gum tissues that surround and support your teeth roots. As your gum tissues recedes away from the roots of your teeth, it can cause pain and discomfort. As gum disease advances, it can begin to affect the jawbone underneath your gum tissues. Your jawbone is where the roots of your teeth live, and the erosion of bone endangers your teeth. While the earliest stages of gum disease can be reversed, it can not be healed at later stages. As it progresses, gum disease must be managed to help prevent tooth loss and the erosion of your smile’s supportive structures.

You May Need to Manage Gum Disease Before Getting an Implant.

A dental implant can help restore your smile, but you may need help to qualify for it. To schedule a consultation, call Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.