Our Dental Blog

Avoiding the Terror of Cavities on Halloween

October 21, 2021

Halloween candy is delicious, and obtaining a lot of it with trick or treating is the goal of every kid in the neighborhood. However, too much could mean the onset of cavities and aching teeth. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist is talking about how to protect your kids’ smiles from Halloween-related cavities.

a person giving chocolates to a child

The Link Between Sweets and Cavities

When we consume a lot of treats high in sugar, then particles could remain trapped on the teeth or stuck between them. Harmful oral bacteria could then break them down, which raises oral acidity and coats the teeth in plaque buildup. This buildup is not only linked to bad breath and stained teeth, but the onset of tooth decay too! Which is why we recommend avoiding treats that are especially sticky, like taffies, dried fruits, and caramels, and limiting how many you eat each day. Reserve a few pieces to be had after your dinner, and then drink a glass of water to wash it down and rinse the teeth.

Choosing Healthy Treat Options

If you’re handing out treats to the kids in your town, consider picking options that are good for their smiles. Instead of candy, maybe individual sealed packages of trail mix, nuts, or consider sugar-free gum. You could also avoid sweets altogether by offering fun party favors, which can be bought cheap in bulk, such as spider rings, rubber bats, and plastic skeletons. When your kids bring home their hard-won haul, you could make sure they don’t overdo it, or even offer to let them trade excess treats in for money or a small toy. This way everyone gets to have their fun, without putting their teeth in peril!

The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

One way to protect your smiles all year is with good oral hygiene habits. Kids and adults alike need to begin each day by brushing their teeth for two minutes, and using a fluoride toothpaste when they do. In the evening, repeat this process and also floss thoroughly to reach what your toothbrush alone cannot. Drink plenty of water too, as this helps cleanse your smile. Now is also a good time to schedule a checkup and cleaning visit, as the holiday season hasn’t hit yet and made your schedule too hectic. A checkup and cleaning is a great way to end the year, and make sure you start 2022 with a healthy and bright smile!

Do You Have Questions About Preventing Tooth Decay?

We would like to help you and your family enjoy good oral health. To learn more about how you can prevent cavities from forming, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.